This week we're rotating that same routines from last week.
• Monday, 5:30p = mix 2
• Monday, 6:45p = mix 1
• Tuesday, 5:30p = mix 1
• Wednesday, 5:30p = mix 2
Starting in April classes will be:
• Mondays 5:30-6:30p
• Mondays 6:45-7:45p
• Tuesdays NO CLASS
• Wednesdays 5:30-6:30p
• • • • • • • •
4 Ways to Stick to Your Spring Workouts
Now that there is no Tuesday Zumba you'll have time to get outside to workout in some fresh air!
1. Get it Together. No more oversleeping or skipping workouts for happy hour. You need to make a plan to get into shape and stick with it. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Focus on getting healthy and fit, and the weight loss will happen.
2. Slow but Steady. Don’t succumb to the weekend warrior syndrome. Try to get some exercise 3-4 times per week on alternate days.
3. Change Up Your Cardio Weightlifting and calisthenics help build muscle. Cardio helps get rid of the unwanted fat. Unfortunately, most people are guilty of heading out the door and doing the same old run or ride day after day. Guess what? They see the same old results. You've got to change it up and shock your body. That's why we never do the same Zumba routines!
4. Remember to Have Fun. Keep in mind that this is spring training which is a time for fun, light-hearted exercise. So just relax and enjoy your activity.