Monday, May 11, 2009

this week in ZUMBA

Monday and Wednesday ZUMBA will be another mix of Latin/Indian.
Tuesday ZUMBA will be another mix of hip-hop/R&B.

On Saturday May 16th I'll be getting ZUMBA certified again for a ZUMBA Basic Level 2 certificate!

On December 10th, 2006 I was trained in the four basic rhythms: merengue, salsa, cumbia and reggaeton. In the Basic Level 2 course I'll learn belly dance, flamenco, tango and samba. Well, we already do belly dance and some flamenco and samba. But we haven't done any tango. So it'll be good to learn some new things and be refreshed on others.

And did you know there is ZUMBA Gold, which focus on senior citizens and features the ZUMBA Chair workout. There is ZUMBA Toning that incorporates the unique rhythmic ZUMBA Toning Sticks. And ZUMBA Kids and Aqua ZUMBA is being developed now! WOW!

One more thing... I think the "only in a Woman's World" series by Frito Lay Snacks is so funny! I love that the four characters are different ethnicities.

The situations they put the characters in are super silly! (Sorry the video is a little chopped off, I tried resizing it).

The site is SO CUTE! You can watch the 7 webisodes, send e-cards and you can even make yourself one of the girls! Here is me:

It was so fun making her!

She so looks like me and she even has my fav Flat Earth chips. HA!


  1. i will see you tonight lady! i want to zumba chair dance :) my friend and i did chair aerobics on youtube once. HILARIOUS!

  2. Uh... no chair dancing unless is Janet Jackson "Control" style!

  3. oh! and can we please do hip hop abs to this:

    i do an freestyle ab work out when i hear it in my car :)

  4. Oh yeah! I know this song. I've already 1/2 Zumba-fied it in my head. I'l lwork on finishing it up!
