Monday, July 23, 2007

week 4: loosing weight in a sensible way


I know, I know, you’ve heard it before. But when it comes to your lifestyle, a food journal is a fundamental as those black pants in your wardrobe. A diary is the key to understanding what you’re eating and why. (I’ve tried a journal before for one month and I found that I need a snack between 3 and 4pm. So planning my snack prevents me from eating something totally bad or starving myself before dinner).

• BEGIN BY KEEPING A JOURNAL for a least one week. Each entry should include:

. the time you ate
. what you ate and how much
. where you ate
. who you were with
. how you were feeling at the time (stressed, lonely bored, celebratory, etc.)
. how you felt afterward, physically and emotionally (stuffed, guilty, satisfied, etc.)

• AT THE END OF THE WEEK, read your journal. You may find surprising patterns, such as you eat more when you’re with certain friends or that you reach for crunchy foods when you’re stressed at work.

tips from, "fitness" magazine

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