Monday, February 21, 2011

this week in ZUMBA

A hip-hop, pop, Latin and belly dancing mix ALL WEEK!

• • •

Zensah compression leg sleeves
Suzanne over at Zensah was so kind to send me some cute pink leg compression sleeves to try out.

They are supposed to:
- Improve performance
- Increase oxygen flow to lower legs
- Pin-point compression to shin and calf muscles
- Reduce recover time
- Reduce muscle vibration
- Provide moisture wicking

I LOVE wearing them after I teach my two Zumba classes. After I take a shower I put them on. They are nice and snug and do not squeeze my calfs. It's like a comforting hug to my calfs after a tough Zumba workout.

So when I'm on my feet preparing dinner, or just resting on the sofa; the Zensha leg sleeves are like a comforting massage.

However, I do not like wearing them during Zumba. I find myself on my toes a lot and the sleeves restrict my movement.

But I'm definitely going to be wearing them after my Zumba workouts. And even when I'm on my feet a lot at home making cupcake bath fizzies in my kitchen.

Thanks Suzanne!


  1. Hi Jeanee,
    It is so refreshing to read your blog. I am a fairly new Zumba Instructor and you blog is so encouraging to me. I haven't taught my own full class yet, only some fundraising stuff and on stage with my instructors. I have a goal to finally do my own class in the coming months. What's a good piece of advice for a newbie, so that I'm not burned out quickly?

  2. Ometa,
    Thanks for stopping by!

    As a newbie instructor I would say to not teach too many classes. Start out with 1 or 2 a week, then build up as you get stronger and class attendance increases.

    Don't worry about making up new songs. Just mix them around every couple of weeks.

    And pace yourself. You don't have to be FULL OUT for the whole class. Learn when to take it easy. Some moves you may be able to fake that you're going all out by just defining the moves.

    God luck!

  3. Hey Jeanee, I didn't know there *was* such a thing as compression leg sleeves before finding your blog.

    They sound like bliss after a full night of Zumba classes! Thanks for the tip, Helen.
